My Words of the Year for 2021
It’s time for a slightly more personal blog post: my words of the year for 2021!
I knowwww it’s not quite January anymore, but hey – better late than never! I say goal-setting is year-round, yes?
I’ve never actually picked a “word of the year” before a new year starts! I’ve seen others do it, but I never felt like just one word would fit what I wanted my new year to encompass. (Who else is indecisive like me over here?) So that’s why – you guessed it – I picked TWO words for 2021!! Starting my first time doing this off stronggggg.
I’m so excited about the words I finally chose. I intentionally wanted to choose words that I could focus on in both my life and my business, rather than choose a word that only applied to one area of my day-to-day living. Drumroll please. . .
My words of the year for 2021: Consistency and Systems!
After my first couple of quarters as a full-time photographer, I’ve learned a few (well, a lot of) good lessons. I shared this on my Instagram last year, and felt like each thing I talked about, ended up connecting to why I chose these two words for my 2021!
So here are the top four lessons I learned after my first few months of being a full-time photographer, and how they tie in to my words of the year:
- Don’t let your business own you!! Being a business owner is a ridiculously hard balance: you can literally work whenever you want. But with that freedom comes the risk of overworking yourself and letting your business take over your personal life. YOU have the power to set your schedule & how much you’re taking on. And that’s something I need to remember!
- Creating a consistent work schedule is something I need to get better at in 2021. Setting boundaries between my business & my personal life can be hard, but building a consistent schedule so that I always know when I’ll get my work done will make it much easier!
- Morning routines are EVERYTHING! Never roll out of bed and hop right on your computer. By doing that, you’re in for a day of anxiety and stress. Instead, ground yourself FIRST, then jump into work with a sound mind.
- Creating a consistent morning routine will be huge for me in 2021 and how I set myself up for success each day!
- At the beginning of each week, figure out your schedule of what you’ll work on each day! Don’t just show up to your laptop each morning and think “Hmm, what do I want to work on today?” – that’s a recipe for an unproductive day without any goal or direction.
- Being consistent with my weekly planning will be so helpful to me in figuring out what I’m going to be working on & when. This will also help me set boundaries between business & work and be as productive as possible when I sit down to work!
- Finally, outsourcing can change your life!! From meal prep to blogging. . . figure out what you love doing, and pay someone to do everything you don’t love doing. Seriously. It will free you up for the most important, needle-moving parts of your business! You can always make more $$ but you can’t get your time back – your sanity will thank you!
- Building good systems of outsourcing work will be big for me this year! I want to get rid of the tasks I don’t love doing and trust somebody else with them so I can focus on the stuff I do best.
Now that I’ve gone over the top 4 lessons I learned in my first months as a full-time photographer and how they tie in with my words, let’s get into some more specific ways I’m hoping to implement my words of the year! Some are small, some are bigger. I love that the words I chose can be reflected & focused on in so many areas of my daily life!
How I’m going to implement consistency & systems into my BUSINESS in 2021:
- Be consistent in showing up on social media – post on my feed, my stories, & serve my followers!
- Create consistency in my branding: I actually just hired somebody to rebrand my biz for me – yay!! Already gettin’ there!
- Maintain consistency in my schedule & not overworking myself
- Build consistency in my systems (double whammy, hehe!)
- Implement new systems for maximummmm efficiency
- Systemize some redundant tasks – like scheduling client calls, sending invoices/contracts, etc.
- Systemize my office – keep everything organized, get rid of clutter, etc.
How I’m going to implement consistency & systems into my PERSONAL LIFE in 2021:
- Maintain consistency in my health – both physical & emotional
- Create consistency in my faith
- Create consistent morning routines – like I mentioned above!
- Consistency in my most important relationships – my husband, friends, etc.
- Systemize my house – get more drawer organizers, etc. . . no more clutter!!
- Systemize life tasks like I do with my biz
That’s it! Now you’ve got a good look into what my brain is looking like & has been looking like as we transitioned from 2020 to 2021. I’m really excited to continue focusing on consistency & systems throughout this year, in ALL aspects of my life.
Do you have words for the year?! DM me @kelseypasma on Instagram – I want to hear yours and why you chose them!
Or if you don’t have one and still want to choose one for 2021, here’s a great article with tips on how to choose yours!
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